The third longboard endurance race (push race) in Montréal will take place September 25th 2010. This event is about touring the city of Montreal by joining each checkpoints setup at various strategic places. The suggested preliminary path (about 20 km long) emphasizes the use of bicycle lanes for safety reason and is accessible to all levels. Helmets are mandatory. The proposed route takes about 1 hour to complete and will not be revealed until a week before the event.
The event will take place on Saturday, September 25th or Sunday, September 27th in case of extreme conditions on Saturday. The riders are expected at the subway station Université de Montréal at 9:00 am. The specifications of the final details of the race and final registration (payment, discharge, allocating numbers …) will take place at this time. The race is scheduled to start at 10:00 PRECISE. If desired, a vehicle will be available to move any personal belonging directly at the finish line. A BBQ will be welcoming the riders at the finish line (included in price).
The entry fee will be $ 10 and ALL the money will be redistributed among the tree fastest riders. The prices offered by sponsors will be given to the podium but also drawn at random from the riders and volunteers to give everyone a chance to leave with something else than pleasure!
I am at your disposal for any request for additional information. You can contact me via email or reach me on my cell phone at 514-574-5173.
Thank you in advance,
Yann Lhermitte
Landyachtz Eh-Team