Reblogged from Silverfish...
It all started in Calgary in 2007. The heart of oil country is an approriate place to begin a worldwide movement that highlights longboarding as an environmentally friendly form of transportation. Four years later, Greenskate is a global event. No other longboard event is as big as Greenskate, period.
In 2010 we had 52 events, on every continent of the globe except for Antarctica (and we're working on that!). Events ranged from over 200 participants to less than a dozen. All told, over 1200 people took part in Greenskate 2010.
Greenskate started when a small group of dedicated community organizers planned a longboarding event to coincided with Earth Day.
The idea behind the event is simple: on or near Earth Day, go longboarding with your friends and others in the longboard community. GreenSkate is about promoting longboarding—whatever form of longboarding you love. Greenskate events have included campus cruises, critical mass rides, distance skates, slalom events, slide sessions, and even outlaw races. is where each of these unique events connect to one another and where you can discover or post local GreenSkate events. Videos and photos from other GreenSkate events from across the globe show that longboarding is a popular, global movement. The increased popularity of GreenSkate can be attributed to the internet and longboarding sites such as Silverfish Longboarding .Com, coastlongboarding and skateslate.
Organizers submit the time, date, and location of their events and GreenSkate broadcasts these details locally and globally. After the event, organizers submit media and participation numbers. Every local organizer has complete freedom to make their event as large or small as they would like.
With increased awareness of longboarding and more participation and media attention every day, Greenskate 2011 is going to be huge.
Visit to discover whether there is a GreenSkate event near you. If there isnt, pick a time, and a place, throw together a group of people to go for a skate on Earth Day, and . . . who knows, next year there might be 200 of you.
We would like to thank everyone who has participated in Greenskate since 2007. Special thanks goes out to everyone who has taken the time to organize there own GreenSkate event, big or small, all over the world.
We would also like to thank Ross Baradoy for being the main global organizer, as well as the other original founding members—Ross, Paul Kent, Rachel O`Neill, and Tyler (—for their contributions over the last four years.
Maybe we need to consider an event in Hanover? Email me and let's get the discussion going.
