I have been longboarding for about 3 years now and i have always wanted to build my own someway or another, luckily my school opened up a longboard making class, which is jumped all over. Shaping a longboard is not actually as hard as it seems. I came into this class wanting to build a basic pintail shape that i could take down hills at extreme speeds. I picked a nice piece of bamboo and got to work on the shape. After i had cut it out i sanded and sanded and sanded until it was as smooth as i wanted. When i was finally done with the sanding i put 3 coats of clear varnish on the bottom and one on the top. I will soon be putting sand on the top for grip and then finally i will put the trucks and wheels on and get riding. This was a really cool experience and it has made me interested in making and shaping many more longboards to come. Longboarding is a really sweet and easy way to get places. Now that i am almost done all i can think about is getting out on the pavement and riding my brand new longboard.