Today was the opening day of the Longboarding March Intensive at Hanover High School. The Longboarding March Intensive is a 4-day Intensive that is focused around the construction of longboards and equipment/history/rideing. Any way, concerning today’s tasks, we had to chose what type of concave piece of wood we wanted to make our board out of. Then we were assigned to draw out the design of our board, cut it, and then tape it to the board. Then we were assigned to cut out the board and sand it with numerous tools such as (jigsaw/ portable jigsaw, belt sander, sander, table saw, etc.
To start off with, I have never ridden a longboard and have had a brief experience with skateboarding. I arrived at 7:30, half an hour early to get ready and I met Wayne (who is the owner of Surf_Rods), and I met Marcelo Peroco (who is the owner of a company known as Uncommon Boards).
- Paul