Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ricardo Day 2

Today was all about them graphics. We started the day talking about all the different options we had for making our boards look aesthetically pleasing with graphics. I ended up choosing to stain my board a combination of red and blue, and then spray pain stenciled my design onto the board.
Almost all of the decisions regarding how my board will be have been last minute, and i don’t know that i’d have it any other way. There is a certain beauty to making your color scheme and entire deck blueprint right on the spot. I had little room to worry about exactly what i made. I create my board so that i can ride it... sure, but I think one might also argue that to create the board is enough fun in itself to be in this intensive.

The spray paint on my board should be totally dry by tomorrow as well as most other members of this intensive. I can’t wait to see how everyone’s graphics come out. I’ve been taken aback by how original and diverse each board and graphic is.
