Friday, March 22, 2013

Overall my board turned out well. It's very simple–all black with a green deadmau5 logo in the middle. While there are some imperfections with the graphic, I think that it turned out well.

My overall impressions of the Longboard Collective are excellent. All of the instruction that I have received has been useful and allowed me to understand the process and technique rather than merely follow instructions. Wayne has been especially knowledgeable with the graphics side of things. His instruction on the graphic and spray painting technique helped me to create the board that I wanted to create. I've also enjoyed talking to him, and he seems genuinely interested in us beyond the Collective.

It's a shame that I'm graduating this year, and that it's the last year of the collective. I would have loved to do this again and use the knowledge that I've gained so far to create a more polished and refined product next time around. I do hope to make use of my board durring the summer, whether it's riding around town or down the huge hill next to my house.
