Friday, March 22, 2013

Today I came in wanting to get my board done as fast as possible so I could ride . . , but there were a few things that had to be done first.  I had to finish up my graphics and give my board its final seal.  After sealing my board I did my grip tape in a random sort of pattern (but it turned out awesome).  Then I had Wayne help me to install the awesome trucks and wheels (Surf-Rodz).  After the trucks and wheels were installed I was able to say thanks to Wane for all of his help and assistance with the fourth year of the longboad collective. I also want to say thanks to Mr. Lavigne, Mr. Goodall-Heising, and Mr. Holloway for all of their help and I wish that this March Intensive could keep going . . . but I understand that it is important to try other things. Thanks again!

P.S. If this March Intensive was still running next year, I would try my hardest to be involved even though I am graduating this year.
