Thursday, March 24, 2011

Alexandra B.

Most people have been working on their graphics, but I chose not to put a graphic on mine. When I got here I put a coat of polyurethane on the top of my board and I am now just waiting for it to dry. Overall the process of making this board and the whole march intensive has been a great learning experience and a lot of fun. The long boarding collective was not one of my first choices when we were signing up and when I got it I wasn’t so sure about it. Now though I am really glad that I was able to be a part of this. I have grown a new appreciation for wood working and definitely skating in general. Sarah and I went out one day to see what we could on the board and we both could definitely use some improvements. But it was really fun, and we have already planned to get out (weather permitting) and see what we can learn. No one will be able to miss us because we painted the flyest helmets out there. We were getting crafty with ‘em. Another cool thing about this march intensive is I have something to take home with me and use all the time. Now I have to go and check and see if my board has dried yet...
