Evan L.
Today was a little more exciting than yesterday. A couple of us showed up early at 7 to get a head start. After sanding the glue off, we traced the designs we created yesterday onto our board and cut them using band saws. A few hours later, the boards were nearly complete. All we had left to do was to drill holes and spray lacquer on the board. We’ve stuck to the schedule so far--we even finished a few hours early today! The rest of the afternoon was spent cleaning up in the shop. I’m super stoked.
Today was a little more exciting than yesterday. A couple of us showed up early at 7 to get a head start. After sanding the glue off, we traced the designs we created yesterday onto our board and cut them using band saws. A few hours later, the boards were nearly complete. All we had left to do was to drill holes and spray lacquer on the board. We’ve stuck to the schedule so far--we even finished a few hours early today! The rest of the afternoon was spent cleaning up in the shop. I’m super stoked.